About Aplus Career Docs

When hiring managers pick up your resumé to read it, they would like nothing more than for it to reveal you as the one they need in their department. All they need is a compelling reason to call you–something on your resumé that says you will strengthen the team and build the profitability of the company.

Unfortunately, most resumés do not convey  the candidate’s “it” factor, so they end up in the circular file.

Your resumé needs to strongly demonstrate how your past achievements will fulfill your prospective employer’s current and future needs.

You are unique, and so are we. If you want to look like everyone else, hire a resume factory.

We are not a resume factory. We are a resumé boutique. We write for you to show your unique skills and accomplishments–the ones that will help you land the job you want. Our pricing reflects the personal attention you receive and unlimited revisions until you land that interview.

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